Platform-purpose analysis

All of us have  purpose in our life and platform to full fill the purpose.
Purpose and platform co exists. Every moment we keep inventing the
purpose and the plot form available to us.

We always observe four categories of people. If you take plotform in X-axis,
and the purpose in Y- axis. Every quadrant has following categories of people.

                Quadrant 1: High platform, Low purpose
                Quadrant 2: High plot form ,high purpose
                Quadrant 3: Low plot form, High purpose
                Quadrant 4: Low plot form, Low purpose

 Quadrant 1: People having attitude of consuming without contributing
much to the world. No purpose in the life, but they have everything in life.

Quadrant 2: people having everything in life, very good platform, very
good contribution and also live with high purpose

Quadrant 3: people do not have much in life and live in high purpose and

Quadrant 4: people who have neither they have platform nor purpose
and not contributing.

I wish to stop by releasing thought in your mind where do you stand?
How can you transform yourself with this analysis in your life…..


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