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"Journey to Start-Up Success" Author : Ramesh Shivanna

  Journey to Start-up Success Lessons from the Ventures of First-Gen Entrepreneurs in India Author: Ramesh Shivanna | Publisher: Subhash Publications Introduction:- Journey to Start-up Success tells the inspiring story of a first-generation entrepreneur who, driven by sheer determination and audacity, ventured into the uncharted territory of business without the comfort of inherited wisdom or financial security. This book transcends a simple account of successes and setbacks; it showcases the strength, perseverance, and never-give-up attitude required to thrive in a challenging world. It delves into the raw emotions, untold struggles, and unbreakable willpower that define the entrepreneurial journey, offering readers valuable insights into seizing opportunities, overcoming obstacles, and carving out a unique path. Drawing from personal experiences, the author highlights the crucial difference between mere change and true transformation—a deep, lasting change that arises from life-alter
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