Discipline is always confused with Freedom. We often have challenge in convincing the discipline is freedom. Any time we speak about the discipline people immediately relate to the freedom has lost. Very often People think “Freedom is doing what we like” but I always believe it is “ not doing what we like, but it is liking what we do” It is a discipline that gives you the "freedom" to take care of yourself and your family on a level that you desire and of which you can be proud. - A river flows in the banks has a freedom with discipline, the moment it goes out of the banks it destroys the many thing, it has a freedom but indiscipline freedom that is called floods - Waves in the sea has freedom with discipline, the moment it goes out of sea, it is called tsunami. It has freedom but no meaning for its life. It destroys. - The kite with a thread has freedom to it and meaning to it. The moment if you cut the thread, it has...
Arivu article written by Ramesh Shivanna by his own life experience and clarity getting in his life